Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The Human Story - pages 94-101

Respond to the following question thoroughly and completely.  Also, respond to at least one other person's post. A variety of ideas and content is important, so make sure your post is unique.

From what you have read and learned so far in class about Ancient Rome and the Ancient World,  how is the history of Ancient Rome similar to what we have studied about other ancient cultures and empires?  How is the history of Ancient Rome different from what we have studied about other ancient cultures?  Be specific in your responses by using evidence to support your answers.


Lindy Pittman said...

Rome is similar and different to other cultures in many ways. It is similar because Rome had many innovations like the gladius just like the Greeks and the Mesopatamians. Also they built a great empire similar to the Babylonians. The ways Rome is different from other cultures is they built a much larger empire and conquered many more lands. Also they were much more brutal which is displayed by leaders like Nero, who burned live Christians at his parties, and by the gladiator fights, which were central parts to Roman life. Overall, Rome was similar in the way that all great civilizations are, but it was also a great, unique empire.

Patrick Dillon said...

I think Rome was different yet very similar to other cultures and civilations. One example in which Rome is similar to other cultures is that the Romans used many gods that the Greeks used. The Romans also had a liking for plays, which was part of the Greeks' culture. Although the Romans enjoyed comedies more than tragedies, which the Greeks had a liking to. The Romans also had many unique aspects in their society, some of which they invented such as baths, aqueducts,or fountains. The Romans had gladiators which was an entertainment in which they enjoyed.

patrick dillon said...

I agree with you in which Rome was made a unique empire because of the conquers they did. But Nero was one of the bad emperors of Rome. He expanded the roman empire, but he had a negative effect on Rome. All he wanted was power and popularity. He didn't care that much about his empire, because he did nothing when the great fire of Rome started.

Lindy Pittman said...

I agree with you completely. Also the Romans invented other things like gladiator fights. Nero also made Rome different from other cultures BECAUSE he was such a brutal and mean ruler. Other than that I believe the same as you.

Anonymous said...

Rome is very similar and different from other cultures. Rome is similar because Rome had a very strong army like the greeks and Alexander the Great. They also built a vast empire similar to the Babylonians, Egyptions,and Alexander the Great. Rom also had its good times and bad times similar to all other empires. The empire was strong when Augustus Ceaser had rule, and weak when Nero,and Cincinnatus ruled. Rome is allso different from other cultures because they enjoyed waching men fight to the death, and Greeks enjoyed a peaceful life. The Romans also liked comedies, and the Greeks liked tragedies. Rome was similar but also diferent from many civilizations, but that makes it unique.


Anonymous said...


I agree with you that Rome is a unique empire, beacause it was very different from all cultures. If they were not similar to other great civilizations they would not have been great. If they did not have an army ,like the Greeks, The Egyptains, and Alexander the Great they would not have become an empire. Also if they did not have a government, like the Greeks their empire would not have been sustaned. I agree with Lindy that Rome was a great, unique empire.


Anonymous said...

MAny cultures have similarities to Rome's, but they are also different. Rome's culture is similar to the Greek's because their gods and goddesses are built off of eachother's. Both cultures also had a liking for theatre, although the Romans enjoyed comedy and Greeks liked trajedies. All other cultures just like the Romans had armies and many inventions that they either made or built off of. Some differences between cultures though, are that the Romans conquered a lot more land than others. They also had some very agressive people like Nero. Rome's culture overall is very similar to others.
Julia Wong

Anonymous said...

Rome is similar and different to the other culturs we have learned about. It created many inventions that helped society, they had the same religion and goda as many other cultures. And had a hard life of work and reward. Rome is different from many cultures because they had a luxurious life than other empires. They tooks baths weekly, watched gladiotor battles,and invented plumbing. Rome was a magnificent and relaxing empire.

Anonymous said...

rome and other civilizations are alike and very different. rome and the greeks both loved plays. the greeks even used some of the same gods as the greeks. the different parts of life was that the romans had baths and had bloody gladiator fights, the the greeks liked a peaceful.

Anonymous said...

joe deline

Anonymous said...

lindy i agree with your comment. i liked youyr comment and it was very good! i liked how you explained the differences and the alikes. your comment was very good and had great words and a great explanation. most of all you had good formatting

Anonymous said...

I will dissagree with you that it is gory and disgusting place, when you post your comment. It is a peaceful place where luxury is king.

Anonymous said...

I think Rome is very different from cultures we have previously learned about, yet it is also very similar. Rome is an empire that relys on battle and gore to stay strong, as well as advanced technology that they used to build their beautiful structures that have withstood the test of time. their technology was also used as advanced ways to kill people, they were also stron, brutal leaders, like Nero, but they are similar because they had many beliefs in gods and legend, they were similar in how their way of life was and how they faught (similar to the Greks) and they were seafaring(also like the greeks)

Anonymous said...

Joe DeLine,
I agree with you completely, rome had bloody gladiators and peaceful baths, they also used the same gods as thhe Greeks.


Anonymous said...

Rome has many similarities from different cultures. I think it is very similar to Greece. They took Greek inventions and technology and expanded of their ideas and made them better. Also, both the Greeks and Romans worshiped similar Gods, just with different names.Also, both cultures had a lot of ways to entertain the people such as plays in amphitheaters in Greece, and the games in the Colosseum in Rome.

Anonymous said...

I agree with your post. I really agree with what you said about it had times where it struggled and times where it was very powerful. That is true in pretty much any history of any place. Places can be wealthy and have a lot of power and land or they could be very poor yet it changes so much for any certain place.

Anonymous said...

Rome is similar and different than other cultures. It's similar because when Rome conquered places it adopted some of their beliefs. They also adopted some of their technology. Rome is also different than other cultures. When Rome would adopt certain things they would sometimes warp them to better fit the roman life. For example, the Romans changed the names of the Greek gods. Rome was similar and different at the same time.

Jake Crouch

I agree with your comment Lark. Rome and Greece had many similarities. A lot of the roman technology was based off Greek ideas. The Romans also used all of the Greek beliefs in gods as their own. Rome was basically just an expansion on Greek ideas.

Jake Crouch

Anonymous said...

Rome is very similar and very different to other cultures in many different ways. Some ways they are similar is that the Romans were very advanced in tools and other things like the Sumerians. Also the Romans were alike the Greeks because they both loved plays. However the Romans are also very different because the Romans enjoyed more comedies and the Greeks liked more tragedy plays. Also the Romans were different because the Romans were much more brutal then the Greeks who liked peacful ways not gladiators and blood and gruesome. Overall, the Romans were very alike and different in many ways.

Anonymous said...

Rome is very similar and very different to other cultures in many different ways. Some ways they are similar is that the Romans were very advanced in tools and other things like the Sumerians. Also the Romans were alike the Greeks because they both loved plays. However the Romans are also very different because the Romans enjoyed more comedies and the Greeks liked more tragedy plays. Also the Romans were different because the Romans were much more brutal then the Greeks who liked peacful ways not gladiators and blood and gruesome. Overall, the Romans were very alike and different in many ways.
Matthew white

Anonymous said...

Rome and other cultures have many similarities and differences. First, Rome was a vast empire like the Persians. Their empire was also similar to the Babylonians and their religion of worshipping gods was adopted from the Greeks. However, the Romans were vicious with cruel punishment that made suicide look like a better way to go while other cultures seemed a lot more relaxed.
Tanner S.

Anonymous said...

Lindy, I totally agree with you. Also, another reason how the Greeks and romans are different is that the Romans liked comedie plays and the Greeks liked tragedy plays. Besides that, everything else was good.
Matthew white

Anonymous said...

I agree that with tools the Romans and the Summerians were advanced. After reading your post I realized that it was interesting how the Greeks enjoyed tradgedies but didn't like gladiator fights. Also, I agree with you that the gladiator fights were gruesome and just further proves that the Romans were cruel.
Tanner S.

Grant A. said...

Rome is both similar and different to many other cultures. Rome is similar to some cultures because they used many gods that the Greeks used. Also they took Greek inventions and technology and expanded of their ideas and made them better. Both the Greek and Roman cultures also had a liking for theater, but the Romans enjoyed comedy and Greeks liked tragedies. Rome is allso different from other cultures because they enjoyed watching men fight to the death. The Romans also conquered a lot more land than others. Overall the Romans had many similarities and differences to other cultures.
Grant A.

Grant A. said...

Jake C.
I completely agree with everything that you said. I especially liked how you said that when Rome would adopt certain things they would sometimes warp them to better fit the roman life.You also said that the Romans changed the names of the Greek gods which was very observant. Overall it was a good comment.
Grant A.

Anonymous said...

Rome is a very unique civilization, but it has some resembalance to other civilizations. Like how the Greeks won the war with Persia, Romans conquered Carthak. Rome also had public entertainmet evets (gladiator shows) like the Greeks (dramas). The Roman empire based much of thier empire off of many other civilizations in the same area. The Romans created, used and improved many inventions ,like Sumer. Macedonia conquered many places under Phillip the second and Alexander the Great, and Rome followed in thier footsteps. However, Rome was very different. For example, the Romans were amused by blood and gore.
Sydney Shelton

Anonymous said...

I comepletely agree with you. You made a good point when you talked about Nero. How do you think it was different?
Sydney Shelton

Esther DelliQuadri said...

Rome is very similiar to other ancient cultures because because they invent and change so that they can survive. For example, Rome invented aqueducts and roads so that they could build their cities anywhere and the Mesopitamians invented irrigation to be able to farm easier. They are differnet because their empire was much bigger and more brutal. Romans liked watching brutal fights of gladiators and other cultures didn't have that. Overall Rome is great in it's own and similar ways.

Anonymous said...

Dear Lindy,
I agree with you. The Romans did build a much larger empire than others but they also had a culture similar to others. Rome was also a very unique empire like you said. Overall, I completely agree with you in the fact that the Roman culture was similar and different to other cultures such as the Greek and Mesopotamian.
Julia Wong

Esther DelliQuadri said...

I totally agree about Rome and its similarities although I think you could have used different examplesfor some of them. For example, you said that Nero made Rome brutal (in a way) but Nero was just one person and even though he was a good example you should have used someting that applied to everyone or almost everyone in Rome. Overall I agree with you.

Surina Techarukpong said...

I think Roman culture is very alike to many other cultures. I think their culture is the most similar to the Greek culture above all. They are mostly similar becAUSE OF their beliefs in the similar gods just adjusted to their lifestyle. They also had a very large, powerful and influential reign. their history also consisted of many seiges and conquering of cities. The Romans also have a similar culture as the Egyptians. They worshipped many gods, and also had many powerful and heroic leaders. Roman society was definetly very powerful and unique in its own way, but also very similar to many other great empires.

Surina Techarukpong

Surina Techarukpong said...


I also agree with your comment. I thought the Persians were also pretty gruesome as well. The other societies we studied were all similar ina way. Overall, I agree with all your comments. You made some really good points.

Surina Techarukpong

Anonymous said...

There are many similaritys and differences with Rome and other cultures. here are some similarities;the romans took the Greek gods and transform them into gods of their own. they also liked to be entertained, but their form of entertainment was very very different. where the greeks liked tragities the romans liked comedys, and when the romans loved a bloody fight to the death the greeks liked to wrestle and run races. rome was similar and different to other nations and empires

Bryan Gilbertson

Anonymous said...

Rome is both similar and different than other cultures in many ways. It is similar to the Greeks most of all because they both conquered tons of land and they were both powerful empires. Greece and Rome's archeatechture were very similar. Rome is also very similar to Egyptians as well as ancient Mesopotamia. They all rule with an emperor and they rule with fear. Rome is also very different from other cultures and empires because of the Colosseum. That kind of thing had never been heard of before Rome. Bath houses are also a very unique part of Rome because there has never really been a place to take a bath or socialize.

Jack Starkey

Anonymous said...

Dear lindy,
i completely agree with you the romans were similar because they took some things and copied them to their own needs and they built a much larger empire than any other nation

bryan gilbertson

Anonymous said...

Jake Crouch
I like what you said about when the Romans conquered other empires, citys, etc, they inherited their beliefs. That is very true about how they lived.

Jack Starkey

Sydney B. said...

While Rome has a unique culture, it also has its similarities and differences to other cultures as well. The Romans have very similar gods to the Greeks, and use much of the same technology as them. They are different from the ancient Chinese however, when they didn't value life and peace, and also didn't believe in the afterlife. The Romans have amazing architecture just like the Egyptians, but the architecture has almost nothing in common other than it's beautiful. They built a giant empire just like the Sumerians and Athenians, but Rome's similarity to all the other cultures is that they all fall eventually. It doesn't seem as though an empire can keep living forever; something or someone has to come in and screw it up. All these kingdoms and their cultures contain a rise and a fall.

Sydney B. said...

I agree with you completely. The gods are a huge part of all the civilizations' culture, therefore, a big part of the similarities. Egypt has had many powerful leaders, but many of them were vain; the Roman leaders were bloodthirsty instead. While Rome is its own unique civilization, it still has its similarities to other cultures.

erik summers said...

Rome was both very similar and very different to its predecessors. For example, Ancient Greece and Ancient Egypt both had incredibly rich mythologies that they used to tell stries of how the earth began and why natural phenomena happen. Another example of how Rome was similar to other cultures is the fact that they adopted so much from the Greeks, including architechture, food, mythology, and others. But despite all these similarities, the Romans were also astoundingly unique. For example, the Romans were probably more brutal and warlike than the Greeks, Egyptians, and others. They enjoyed watching gladiators brutally fight to the death in a huge arena called the Colosseum. Overall, I'd say that the ancient Romans, although different, were an amazing people and ahve earned their righful place in history.

Anonymous said...

There are many difference and similarities between Rome and other culture. All cultures we have learned about are very war like. They fight mostly the same too with swords and spears. They also made many advances and had multiple differences. One advance they made was concreat, auquaducts, and roads. These they used to better the empire. They also had gladiators which was very different from any other empire.

Cole G.

Logan Sankey said...

Rome is extremely similar to other ancient cultures in the way it developed. It conqured other territories on its way to greatness and eventually became an all controlling empire. It ruled with a strong hand, similar to other civilizations and had a culture of its own that all the people followed. It is also similar in its demise to other cultures. A coulple of bad rulers weaken the resolve of the people and the system they use and there are other little things that eventually chip away at the empire until they are defeated. However, Rome is also different from other ancient cultures because they were more advanced and improved many exsiting ideas.
Logan Sankey

Logan Sankey said...

I agree with what you said about work and reward, because the successful had the most luxurious life of the Romans. I think it was also a much tougher culture to live in for some people such as criminals because of the gladiator aspect.
Logan Sankey

Anonymous said...

Jack S.
I like what you said about all the cultures wanting to counqure more land. They all just keep counqering and counqering until there demise. Also it is true that the Colleseum and bath houses truely came from Rome. These showed they weren't just another band of warriors but people who thought and felt as we do.

Cole G.

Anonymous said...

Ancient Rome is both similar and different to other ancient cultures.They are similar because they have many of the same gods and godesses. Many cultures built great empires. They are different because the Romans built a much larger empire and conquered many mor places. The Romans were also more brutal and had some violent leaders such as Nero, who burned Christians alive. I think Ancient Rome is more similar than different from other Ancient civilizations.
- Gillian C.

Anonymous said...

Dear Lindy,
I think you did a very good job on your comment. I agree with everything you said and you wrote a lot. Your comment was very clear and explanitory. Overall, I also agree that Rome was similar to great civilizations but was also a unique empire.
-Gillian C.

Anna Skubiz said...

Rome had both similarities and diferences with other nations. Thye shared the love of theatre with the greeks, and also the majority of their main gods. The greeks didnt have the love of blood that the romans have. Rome also had luxurious baths, and were a powerful empire with many victories.

Anna Skubiz said...

I agree with you, and it seems the romans had more differences then similarities, but rome dosent use gore to keeps its strenght, the gladiator battles are entertainment for the people nothing more

Anonymous said...

Rome was both similar and different from other Ancient cultures. Greece is the civilization that most resembles Rome. Though both used the same worshipping systems and Gods, Rome was more battle-oriented, wgere an afternoon would be reserved for a battle to unfold.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you. The reason Rome is like other cultures is because they adopted culture's technologies and beliefs.

Tyler H.
(Previous one was mine as well)

Anonymous said...

I think that the Romans got many of the things that make their empire great from other civilizations. Like their love of theater from the Greeks but their theaters differed the romans liked comidies and the Greeks liked tragedy. the Romans had different ideas about what is right and wrong. The Romans got many things from other civilizations like the Greeks but also had their own ideas about things.

Mea Fisher

Anonymous said...

One way Rome is similar to to other acient cities and cultures is thier bulit a storng powerful empires. The greeks also had a great nationbut thier empire fell. One way the empires were differnt though is Rome was much more blood thirsty and like war and brutal games like the fights in the Collossuem. Another way Greek and Rome is similar is they had many gods that they shared. Mesopotamia and Rome is similar because they both were very advanced. That is just some of the ways these cultures are similar and different.

Jack Craig said...

Rome was very similar if not almost identical to all the other empires and ancient places. Although Rome did not make many of its own inventions, they built off the ideas of others. For example,Romans used the same god to worship as the greeks, they just had different names. The also used the arch a lot in their architecture, which was invented by the sumerians. Like many other cultures, the state of the empire depended on the ruling person. For example, when Julius Caesar was the emperor, Rome flourished, then when Nero was emperor, thing started to decay. In anceint Mesopotamia, Sargon the Great united the city-states and formed the 1st empire ever. When Sargon died, the Akkadian Empire fell into pieces.
Rome was one of the most prosperous empires with so many things in common to other ones.

Jack Craig said...

To Grant A,
I think that your comment was very well done, and I think that you showded many copmparisons between Rome and Ancient Greece. I liked the part when you compared and contrasted the similarites of theater in Rome and Greece. However, I think that maybe you focused a little too much on comparisons between Ancient Greece and Rome, and Too little on other cultures, like Mesopotamia, Sumer,Egypt, etc.

Jack Craig

Anonymous said...

The history of Rome is a lot simmilar to other cultures, especially Greece. Both cultures shared love for similar Gods and arcitecture. Both empires were also alike because they were both very large. Many things that the romans did were just expansions on other civilizations ideas. The romans also had their own ideas though, for example the colisseum and their public baths. Overall, the roman empire took many ideas from other cutures which is why it is so alike to them, but thought of their own unique ideas aswell.

Anonymous said...

Dear Anna,
I agree completely with your comment. I really like how you explained the simmilarity of their ideas with the Greeks by bringing up the gods, because it is a good example of the Romans adding on to the Greeks ideas. I agree with how you said that the Greeks aswell as the Romans built poweful empires by winning important battles because it shows how strong the Roman army was.

Anonymous said...

Rome is similar and different to many different ancient cultures. It is similar to Egypt because it made stone sculptures to show wealth. It is different because it showed more brutality than Egypt like the coliseum. It is similar to ancient Mesopotamia because they fought brutally, and fought for wealth. It is different because Rome had better tools, weapons, technology, and farming so they could get more things done quicker. It is very similar and different than Greece. In Greece they had gods that were very much alike, and they had laws that were very similar. They also made statues to show wealth like Egypt. They were different by how they acted. In Rome people acted more savage, and in Greece people acted more loyal to one another.
Channing C

Anonymous said...

I agree with you about how Romes differences make Rome unique. If they were the same they would not have been as powerful. I also agree with you about how they built a vast Empire like the Babylonians. But it is also Romes similarities to othe ancient cultures that made it a great empire too.
Channing C

Anonymous said...

Mrs Craig, I didnt sign my name and i went back to read other peple's blogs my response to yours was...
One way Rome is similar to to other acient cities and cultures is thier bulit a storng powerful empires. The Greeks also had a great nation but thier empire fell and didnt last as long. One way the empires were differnt is Rome was much more blood thirsty and liked war and brutal games (the fights in the Collossuem). Another way Greek and Rome is similar is they had many gods that they shared.Another example is Mesopotamia and Rome. They were similar because they both were very advanced. That is just some of the ways these cultures are similar and different.

March 2, 2012 10:45 AM

Anonymous said...

And I forgot to sign my name again! That last one was MEG A.

Anonymous said...

My resonse to others was...
Dear Nikki,
I agree with you that Rome and Greece were very similar. They both had a lot of power land, and they both had great artitechture and beauty. I think one thing that makes them very differnt that you kind of mentioned is Rome was a little more violent and brutal(Colloseum, wars, salves) while the Greeks were more into beauty. Like mentioned in the book though Rome and Carhtage were similar to Athenes and Sparta in the fact that one was more powerful on land and the other on sea. Again, I totally agree with you!
Meg A.

Anonymous said...

There are many similarities and differences between Rome and other empires. For one, the way it is ruled is similar to some yet different to others at certain times. Like Greece, Rome had a senate to help decide over problems. But, also sometimes Rome was ruled by tyrant generals. They came in and destroyed the senate. These tyrants were like Athens in the war between Athens and Sparta. Romans conquered other empires for the amount of land that it gave them, just like many other empires do. They needed the land to make more markets for goods, help their allies, and quench their thirst for triumph, just like many other empires did.

Anonymous said...

Dear Nikki,
Rome and Greece were indeed very similar. The way they were ruled were similar, sometimes by tyrants and sometimes by a good leader and a senate. Also, the way that the army was armed was similar. They both used large shields and long spears; armed with swords for when they lost their spears.

Anonymous said...

Rome is similar and different to the other cultures that our class has studied. Rome is different from many cultures because they had a much more luxurious life than others. They tooks baths weekly, watched gladiator battles,and invented plumbing. They had the same religion and gods as many other cultures, had a hard life of work and reward, and most of the empires had many inventions. Rome was a very great empire.
Jackson ernst

Anonymous said...

Channing c,
I agree about how you said they acted different. I never really thought about how they acted. That does make a lot of those cultures different.

Anonymous said...

The culture of Rome is similar to other ancient cultures because Rome wnet to battle with many other tribes, cities, and empires just as ancient Greece and many other cultures did. Rome would attack cities for all the same reasons that Greece did earlier in history. They would attack for tresure, food, slaves, supplies etc. On the other hand the culture of Rome is different from that of others for many reasons. The big difference, in my eyes, is Romes love for blood and gore and watching animals get slaughtered. No other culture that we have studied has deeply enjoyed watching men slaughter other men and animals.
Will McConnell

Anonymous said...

Dear Julia,
I really like how you compared ancient Greece and Rome through their love of theater. The Greeks loving tragedies and the Romans loving comedy. However you said that the Greeks and the Romans both based their gods of the same things, but personally I think that Romans kind of posed the Greeks and just changed the names of the Greeks gods and called them their own.
Will McConnell

Anonymous said...

Ancient Rome is similar to other time periods because it has all the same aspects. It has conquest, war, rulers, and a social pyramid. The way that it is different is that it is in a different time period and they have different resources and their skills had progressed frome previous times in things such as metal working. They were also much more brutal, for intance the colleseum and the emperor Nero.
-Margaret L.

Anonymous said...

Rome has many similarities as well as many differences. They are similar because they were almost greedy with their land and they had many different emporers, good and bad. They were different because there emporers weren't always part of a dynasty. They were also a very brutal people, they had tons of slaves like many other societies, but they are the only ones that made them to fight in the Colosseum. Rome was definetly a unique empire even though they fe footsteps of many other empires.

Tess Richey

Anonymous said...

I liked the way you compared it to greece and sparta. I completely agree with you about the thirst for triumph and thought that was a good way of putting it.
-Margaret L.

Anonymous said...


You're totally right all of you're similarities are spot-on like with Greece and the Senate. I also agree that is was most definetly a unique empire, no empire is truly like Rome. Rome is similar to many different empires but it is in its own way unique.

Tess Richey

Peter Rosenthal said...

I think thst Rome is similar to other ancient empires, because it conquered many places, and grew to be very large. It had an emporer, and a main capital. But it was different, because the whole feeling of the empire was cleaner and more unified in my opinion. It also had striccter laws, and beautiful arctitecture.

Peter Rosenthal said...

I agree with you about how they were greedy, and how some emporers were good and bad.

Anonymous said...

Ancient Rome is different from many empires because it was much larger and tended to conquer more land. Also, it had many more enemies and it was a very bloodthirsty culture. Gladiatorial battles were a central force in Ancient Roman culture. In no other civilization is the main form of entertainment the killing of others. Rome is similar to other countries, especially Greece, because of invention and thirst for knowledge. Also, like many other cultures, Rome had an emporer and a religion that worshiped many gods. The way they fell was similar to other empires as well. When countries ecome to large, it is inevitable that they will die.

Melissa Requist

Anonymous said...

Tess -
I agree with you that they were mean to their slaves by making them figt in the arena. However, other cultures forced their slaves to do things almost as horrific. I don't think the Romans were over te top mean to their slaves compared to other cultures.

Melissa Requist

Max Gamber said...

Ancient Rome and other ancient empires were similar in some ways because they all powerful emperors, a powerful army, they all started as city-states, and ended due to either political or natural threats. For example, the Romans had many powerful emperors, such as Julius Ceasar and Augustus Ceasar, they had a powerful army, Rome was a small city-state before it was a empire, and ended up being ended by them plague and many barbarian tribes.
They were different because the Romans liked lots of blood and gore and the other ancient empires didn't. They were also different because the Romans used bath houses as a place to socialize when before nobody had ever done that.


Max Gamber said...

Erik- I agree with you very much. I like how you used Egyptian and Roman mythology as an example. I also like how you used gladiator fights as a way to separate the Romans from everybody else. Very nice post.


Anonymous said...

Rome was different from other cultures. Aside from believing in gods they had aqueducts, fountains, and baths. no other place had those.Rome was a very unique place that made up there own way of living.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you completely. you were right about everything, about the Rome being unique but than not at the same time. they adopted some things and made up thing. Nice post patrick.

Anonymous said...

Many cultures have similarities to Rome, but they are also very different. Romans have very similar gods as the Greeks and they also use many of the same inventions as them. Many things that the Romans did were just an exoansion on other cultures ideas. Unlike other cultures, the Romans had aqueducts, fountains, and baths. I think the Romans were more similar then different from other places.
~ Kaylie R.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you that the Romans expanded more on what other cultures did, but still had their own ideas.
~ Kaylie R.